Bravo 4202

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Free Shipping. Primera Bravo 4202 is 100 disc capacity, dual burner publishing system combining automatic burning with full-color, direct-to-disc printing capabilities. Includes ink cartridge.

The Market’s Fastest Printing and Robotics

The Primera Bravo 4200 series printers are easily the fastest DVD and CD disc publishers in the market today for desktop use. Each disc can be printed in under 15 seconds with near-perfect quality. Your jobs will be completed with incredible accuracy and speed using this tool.

Powerful, User Friendly Software

The 4200 series machines are as easy to use as any office printer. Included with your purchase is Primera's PTPublisher Software, which has won critical acclaim for its easy, wizard-style interface. Training new operators takes only a few minutes.  Simply choose the type of job you want to perform (data, video, audio, etc.), match with a print file, and press "GO." It's that easy!

In addition, built-in design software SureThing™ Primera Edition (Windows) or DiscCover™ (Mac) allows you place backgrounds, text, photos, or graphics anywhere on the disc, including all the way into the middle of the disc – something not possible with other brands of DVD Duplicator.

Built-In Applications

Other built-in software applications include:

  • Primera PTRip: automatically "RIPs" your personal music CDs and loads them into Apple® iTunes® for iPhone®, iPod® and iPod Touch® or Microsoft® Media Player.

  • Primera PTBackUp: scheduled back-ups of your files are created automatically to CDs, DVDs or Blu-ray Discs.

  • Primera PTProtect: this software prevents unauthorized copying of your valuable DVD video files.

More Information
Product NameBravo 4202
Product SKU63555
BrandPrimera Technology
Product GroupDisc Publisher
Trade in ProgramYes
Warranty1 Year Standard
Burner qty2
Burner TypeCD and DVD
ConnectivityUSB 3.0
Disc Print MediaInkjet
ModelBravo Series
Embedded PCNo
External Bin Capacity100
Label TypeInkjet
Network Capable Yes
Print Resolution4800dpi
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